Bringing home a newborn baby is an exciting and joyous experience for any parent. As you settle into your new role, one of the essential tasks you’ll need to master is bathing your little one. While it may seem intimidating at first, with proper guidance and a little practice, bathing your newborn can become a cherished bonding experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the step-by-step process of bathing your baby, ensuring their safety, comfort, and happiness.

1. Preparing for the bath

Before you start the bathing process, it’s crucial to gather all the necessary items. Create a safe and cozy space by gathering a baby bather, a clean towel, a soft washcloth, mild baby soap, or body wash, a container for rinsing, a diaper, and clean clothes. Additionally, check that the room temperature is warm enough to prevent your baby from feeling chilly during and after the bath.

2. Fill the Bathing Area with Warm Water

Choose a suitable location for the bath, either a baby bathtub, a kitchen sink, or a basin specifically designed for newborns. Fill it with warm water, ensuring the temperature is comfortable, between 90 - 100 °F (32 - 38 °C). Always test the water with your elbow or a thermometer to ensure it’s not too hot or cold.

3. Undressing and Wrapping your baby

Lay a clean, soft towel nearby, and undress your baby. Carefully lift your little one, cradling their head and neck in one arm, and wrap them in a warm towel to keep them cozy and secure.

4. Cleaning your baby’s face and scalp

Using a dampened washcloth, delicately cleanse your baby’s face, starting from their forehead, down their cheeks, and to their chin. Use a separate cloth, dampened with plain water, to gently cleanse their scalp, paying attention to any cradle cap or dry patches.

5. Washing the rest of your baby’s body

With one hand supporting your baby’s neck and head, gently lower them into the warm water, ensuring your other hand holds their body securely. Using a mild baby soap or body wash, sparingly applied to a soft washcloth, gently clean your body’s neck, arms, hands, chest, tummy, genitals, and legs. Take extra care to ensure no irritants or moisture are left behind.

6. Rinse and Dry Your Baby

Once your baby is clean, carefully lift them out of the water and rinse off any soap residue with a cup of clean water or by pouring water gently over their body. Pat your baby dry with a soft towel, paying extra attention to areas where moisture can get trapped, such as between fingers and toes and in skin folds.

7. Dress and Comfort Your Baby

After drying your baby thoroughly, dress them in clean, comfortable clothes. Take this opportunity for skin-to-skin contact and cuddle time, which can help promote bonding and relaxation for both you and your baby.


In conclusion, bathing your newborn doesn't have to be intimidating. By following these seven simple steps and trusting your instincts as a parent, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable bathing experience for your little one. Remember to take your time, stay calm, and enjoy this special bonding moment with your baby.